ADD: | No. 16 Yezhi Hu West Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei 430070, P.R.China |
TEL: | 86-27-87879658 |
FAX: | 86-27-87879658 |
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ADD: | No. 16 Yezhi Hu West Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei 430070, P.R.China |
TEL: | 86-27-87879658 |
FAX: | 86-27-87879658 |
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The Key Point of CR83 Seed Production
1. Seedling stage
350kg compound fertilizer, 75kg urea, 30kg zinc (Zn), 35kg carbofuran for 1 Hectare seedling bed.
Each Hectare production field demands 0.05 hectares seedling bed for male and 0.15 hectares for female. Sowing quantity is 7.5kg male seeds and 25-30kg female seeds.
Male sowing amount is 225kg-300kg for One hectare seed bed and female is 375kg-450kg.
First phase male sowing time is 20 days earlier than female, around 5.2 leafs different.
Second phase male 7 days later than the first.
After 3 leaves stage use 75kg/Ha urea as topdressing.
2. Field cultivation and transplanting
600kg compound fertilizer, 150kg urea, 30kg zinc (Zn)for 1 Hectare.
Male transplanting: 28-30days seedling age , around 8 leaf age .
Female transplanting: 18-20days seedling age , around 5 leaf age .
Bed width 1.8m, 1 line male, 10 line female each bed. Male to female 23cm distance for field work.
Transplant two different phase Male seedling cross as 2 by 2.
Female density 15cm by 17cm two plants each hole.
3. GA3 management
300-375g/Ha, 3 times within 3 days:
First time is at female 10-15% heading stage , use 75g/Ha.
Second time is at 20-25% heading stage , use 120g/Ha, at the same time use 30g for male.
Last time is at 40-50% heading stage, use 120-150g/Ha.
Timing is 8-9am or 2pm.